A thesaurus-based model for organizing information contains the most structure and provides the greatest search and filter capabilities. 基于辞典的信息组织模型包含最多的结构,并提供最强的搜索和筛选功能。
In this paper, for hierarchically organizing the video structure, a method for extracting story units is proposed. 提出了一种新的层次化的结构化组织视频数据的提取故事单元的方法。
Six basic structural styles are created in accordance with the principles of meaning orientation and organizing the structure according to the unity and coherence of the context. 为了理顺各篇的基本理则,又根据以意为主、以理定形的原则进行部署,创造了六种基本的结构样式。
To build a Resource-efficient city, it is necessary to bring into full play the urban func-tions by organizing the structure, especially the spatial structure through planning so as to form a compact urbanization pattern. 建设节约型城市,城市规划要通过结构组织,尤其是空间结构的再组织来充分发挥城市的功能,使城市形成紧凑城市化模式。
According to learning organizing theory, this article expounds the necessary and thinking of structure learning library in the new information epoch. 文章根据学习型组织理论,论述了新信息时代构建学习型图书馆的必要性及其思路。
It is the important precondition for browsing, retrieval and indexing videos that effectively and rationally organizing the video structure. 合理而有效地结构化组织视频数据是浏览、检索和管理视频的重要前提。
Research the metropolis coal management system of the strategic storage, including the history of our country energy management system, the application of the emergency organize theories to carry on organizing the structure design, and according to related person of benefits theories to choice the management mode. 研究一次能源缺乏型城市煤炭战略储备的管理体制,具体包括我国能源管理体制的历史沿革和发展,在此基础上应用应急组织理论进行组织架构设计,以及基于利益相关人理论的治理模式选择。
The present paper mainly demonstrates how to design English proficiency tests and assessment system, including organizing testing items, collecting, sorting and analyzing the testing data, forming the structure and generation of the diagnostic report and exploring the ways of further study. 本文主要介绍了如何设计英语水平测试评估系统,包括进行命题测试,收集、整理和分析测试数据,构思诊断报告的结构和生成,为以后的研究铺平道路。
From three aspects of establishing the modern service concept, organizing the modern personnel structure and constructing the modern management and service means, this paper discusses on the construction of university and department reference rooms in the network information times. 从树立现代化服务观念、组建现代化的队伍结构、构建现代化的管理服务手段3个方面,论述了网络信息时代现代化的院系资料室的建设。
Self organizing ability is the basic characteristic of IMS. The essential conditions of self organizing system structure is discussed in the paper, and the fundamental structure of self organizing unit is built with Integrated Intelligent Unit in Intelligence Engineering. 在阐述自组织系统结构上的基本条件后,利用智能工程中的集成智能单元,建立了具有自组织能力的智能制造系统自组织单元的基本结构。
A hierarchically structural self organizing learning method is given, and a state estimation method is proposed. The structure and characteristics of the observer are discussed. The results of estimation show that the proposed nonlinear state observer can observe real systems state satisfactorily. 给出了一种递阶自组织在线学习算法,提出了非线性时变系统的自适应状态观测器,并对其结构及特征进行了讨论,仿真结果表明这种自适应状态观测器能很好地观测系统的状态。
The study has done the pertinent analysis that came down to the technology of information and the structure of organizing, and especially put forward the profitable discussion on the question of organic structure about the second degree. 对本文涉及到的信息技术问题和组织结构问题作了针对性的分析,特别对二级单位的组织结构问题,进行了有益的探讨。
A rational concept system is not only a useful tool for organizing the existing terms into a structure easy to understand and to retrieve, but also a great aid for analyzing, defining, and selecting the proper designation of, new terms. 有了一个合理的概念体系,不仅是把已有的基础术语组织成一个便于理解、便于记忆(检索)的结构,它更有利于对新术语进行分析、明确定义和选定指称。
There are a lot detail about the associated theory of MAS, including what's MAS, the organizing structure of MAS, such as the centralized structure, mix management structure and disperse structure. 本课题详细研究了以往MAS的相关理论,包括什么是MAS,MAS的组织结构如集中式管理结构、混合管理结构、分散结构作了简单介绍。
On the one hand, as a primary way in providing goods and service for overseas market and a main factor in organizing international production, foreign direct investment is increasingly influencing the scale, direction and structure of international trade; 一方面,外国直接投资作为向国外市场提供货物和服务的主要方法以及组织国际生产的一项主要因素,正在日益影响着国际贸易的规模、方向和构成;
A new self organizing algorithm of robust PCA is presented based on the structure of single layer neural network ( NN) with the modification of the energy function. 该方法基于单层线性神经网络(NN)结构,但是权值的训练算法是非线性的。
Firstly, the thesis describes makeup and function of GIS and proposes the organizing of space data and attribute data based on GIS after studying the GIS data structure. 论文首先描述了GIS的组成与功能,在研究GIS的数据结构的基础上,提出了基于GIS的交通空间数据和属性数据的组织。
Focusing on the green management strategy, this paper studies the green organizing flow reforger mode in Enterprises. It analyzes first the theory of green industrial structure following strategy in the beginning, then the significance and finally brings forward the goals and implementing approaches. 本文以绿色管理战略为基点,对企业实施绿色化组织流程再造模式进行研究,首先分析绿色化结构跟随战略理论,其次分析绿色化组织再造流程的内涵,最后提出核心目标并设计出具体实施步骤。
This paper discusses the implementation of uncertainty in the organizing of rhythm from three aspects, the organizing of rhythm structure, pitch model and duration model for representing that characteristic in the speech exactly. 为了使合成汉语语音体现出这种特性,本文从韵律结构组织,音长模型和音高模型三个方面探讨了自然语言中韵律组织不确定性的实现。
This thesis provides a method of organizing the shadow memory of main memory database. Detailed storage structure and access strategy are also included. 提出一种适合内存数据库的影子内存组织方法,并给出具体的内存空间的组织管理、存储结构和存取策略。
Thirdly, through qualitative and quantitative methods, it analyzes the law of organizing mode evolution in investment bank department by the utilization of entropy and dissipative structure theory. 再其次,运用熵理论、耗散结构理论对投资银行部门组织模式演变规律进行了定性和定量分析;
Knowledge point is the basic unit to transfer teaching information in teaching course, its relations can be expressed with a whole-tree/ part-graph organizing model, which corresponds to the tree structure of XML document. 知识点是教学活动过程中传递教学信息的基本单元,知识点之间的关系可用一个总体树/局部图的组织模型来表示,这与XML文档的树形结构相合。
Methods Hospital management system is divided into four essential factors, i.e. objectives, management by organizing, personnel and civilized service. According to the perfect level of management structure, existed problem in hospital management are diagnosed and analyzed by considering the whole. 方法把医院管理分为目的、组织管理、人和院风四大要素领域,针对管理结构的完善程度,从整体着眼,诊断分析管理上存在的问题。
Cellular automata method is a new kind of mechanical method. Static equilibrium of structure is regarded as a self organizing process of cells when the structure satisfies all boundary conditions of force and displacement. 细胞自动机方法是一种基于细胞自动机原理和有限元离散技术结合的力学分析方法,它将结构的平衡认为是在力和位移边界条件下物体元胞间的自组织过程。
Aiming at the difficulties of forming the homogeneous charge and organizing the combustion progress for the compact structure of light-duty vehicle diesel engines, the research in this dissertation is based upon advanced injection combined with high proportion cooling EGR to achieve the low-temperature premixed combustion. 本文针对小缸径轻型车用柴油机燃烧系统结构紧凑、均质混合气制备和燃烧过程组织困难的特点,开展了基于适时早喷结合高比例冷却EGR实现预混合低温燃烧的研究。
As the important organizing part in the regional economic structure, SMEs ( small and medium-sized enterprises) are playing a decisive role in regional economic development. 中小企业作为区域经济结构中的重要组成部分,在区域经济振兴中起着决定性作用。
The organizational structure of organizing committee not only includes the structure of different departments but also the job analysis. 筹委会组织架构的设置既包括部门组织结构设置又包括人员岗位制定。
By depicting the death beautifully, using poetic languages and organizing the structure ingeniously, Shakespeare creates distance between works and reality, so that a unique aesthetic perception emerges in his works. 莎士比亚通过把死亡描写得美丽、使用诗化的语言以及巧妙的结构安排等艺术手法,制造作品与现实之间的距离,使作品呈现出特别的美感,散发出持久的艺术魅力。
But our college alumni association has some insufficiencies: short history of organizing activities, lack of understanding the purpose; the lack of a sound organizational structure and a good working network; the lack of full-time staff of the alumni association; the simplex activities, etc.. 但是我国高校校友会开展活动的历史短、目的认识不足;缺乏健全的组织机构和良好的工作网络;缺少专职的校友会工作人员;开展活动单一等等。
Social administration, as a function of the government and social sectors, is the organizing, coordinating, supervising and controlling of the whole process of social life, structure, institution, undertaking and social ideas to promote the harmonious and benign development of social system. 社会管理是政府和社会组织部门为促进社会系统的和谐运行与良性发展,对社会生活、社会结构、社会制度、社会事业和社会观念等各个环节进行组织、协调、服务、监督和控制的过程。